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Tag: serbian foreign policy

Belgrade hosts the first All-Serb Assembly

Ethnonationalist politics are once again on the rise in the Western Balkans. The leaderships of both Serbia and Republika Srpska recently organized a rally for Serbs of the region, to provide a platform for ethnocratic and irredentist ambitions. This development cast an eye on the concerning erosion of EU leverage in the last years, which has consequences for the whole region.

July 8, 2024 - Grégoire Soria-Metais

A UN resolution on genocide reaffirms truth – and angers the Serbian government

A recent resolution from the United Nations has exposed long-running tensions concerning genocide and the Bosnian War. While this document laid the blame with individual Serbs and Bosnian Serbs, Belgrade continues to view such language as an attack on the whole Serbian nation.

June 28, 2024 - Arta Haxhixhemajli

Kosovo’s Council of Europe aspirations spark controversy in Serbia

The Council of Europe has become the latest flashpoint in relations between Serbia and Kosovo. While Pristina has expressed its desire to join the body, Belgrade has threatened to abandon the organization altogether. Such a move would only further challenge the delicate rights regime that exists in the country.

May 2, 2024 - Tea Kljajić

Anything but a “Little Putin”: why Serbia under Vučić is not Russia under Putin

Western media often compares Serbia under Aleksandar Vučić to Putin’s Russia. While both states may often embrace authoritarian rhetoric, it is clear that Moscow is the only one to act on it at all times. This reality is especially important when considering Belgrade’s relations with the EU and NATO.

November 6, 2023 - Stefan Mandic

The UK in Serbia: Signs of a new regional strategy?

Ongoing debate surrounding the United Kingdom’s relations with the Balkans has naturally been dominated by its withdrawal from the European Union. Despite this, a recent charm offensive in Serbia may prove to be a turning point for Britain’s wider ambitions in the area.

July 12, 2021 - Niall Gray

Serbia’s EU bid is over: five reasons why

Once a frontrunner candidate for membership, Belgrade’s current interests will no longer be catered for by EU accession.

November 23, 2020 - Alejandro Esteso Pérez

Snarky Facebook post sparks diplomatic incident between Russia and Serbia: What’s behind it?

On the recent spat between Russia and Serbia on social media and what it reveals about their relationship.

October 14, 2020 - Leon Hartwell

President Vučić’s bizarre interview and what it reveals about the upcoming Serbia-Kosovo dialogue

A recent interview with the president of Serbia leaves behind some clues as to what may unfold in the upcoming White House meeting.

September 2, 2020 - Leon Hartwell

Serbia’s self-defeating neo-Yugoslavism

Vučić's Serbia stands by the Yugoslav practice of manipulating its relations with Moscow to gain advantages from the West.

August 19, 2020 - Janusz Bugajski


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