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Tag: Scandinavia

Norway on the front line of tensions with Russia

Norway is a country with a strong Arctic identity and a NATO “listening post” in this strategically important region of the world. For decades, the basis of Norway's defence policy in the Far North has been a paradigm of, on the one hand, maintaining extensive defence capabilities in close cooperation within the North Atlantic Alliance, and on the other hand, “appeasing” Russia through close bilateral cooperation in the Arctic, especially in the economic sphere. As with other Nordic states, the perception of the threats coming from the world's largest state has definitely changed in the country after February 24th 2022. Norwegians are taking the possibility of an attack on their territory by the Russian Federation more and more seriously.

July 10, 2024 - Karolina Zub-Lewińska

Finding Sweden’s role in a new NATO

Swedish Minister of Defence Pål Jonson said earlier this year that "war can come to us too." Meanwhile, Minister of Civil Defence Carl Bohlin has appealed to the public to "mentally prepare for the outbreak of war”. Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Micael Bydén has even warned that war in Ukraine is not the Kremlin’s ultimate goal but only a step to tear down the existing rules-based international order. In March 2024, Sweden officially became the 32nd member of NATO. However, the road for this Nordic country, which has not been at war since 1814, to join the strongest defence alliance in the history of the world has not been easy.

April 30, 2024 - Karolina Zub-Lewińska


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