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Tag: Russian orthodox Church

The Patriarchate of Constantinople is finalizing the creation of its own structures for the Orthodox Church in Lithuania

Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine has caused reverberations in the world of Orthodox Christianity. While the church in Moscow has fully backed the Kremlin’s war, many priests in places such as Lithuania have found adherence to this belief an impossible task.

February 7, 2024 - Nikodem Szczygłowski

Is it Putin who is waging “Putin’s war”?

The current Russo-Ukrainian War is frequently called "Putin's war" by western media. Is this correct? Who is actually waging this war on the ground and from the air and who apart from Putin should share the responsibility for war crimes?

April 22, 2022 - Valerii Pekar Yuliya Shtaltovna

Ukrainian autocephaly

While the status of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is often discussed as a political issue, it is important to bear in mind the traditional competition between the Moscow and Constantinople patriarchates.

December 18, 2020 - Thibaut Auplat

The Phanar worries about Ukrainian Church’s future

The Ecumenical Patriarchate is concerned about the Orthodox world not recognising the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, but refrains from intervening.

October 31, 2019 - Svitlana Goyko

Ukrainian autocephaly and the Moscow Patriarchate

How Russia’s religious hierarchs reject the new Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

August 27, 2019 - Andreas Umland Christine Borovkova

Complications in Tbilisi’s friendship with Kyiv

The Georgian Orthodox Church and Ukrainian autocephaly.

June 6, 2019 - Andreas Umland Tamar Chapidze


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