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Tag: Russian colonialism

Seven favourite hidden narratives of Russian propaganda

In spite of over two years of conflict, Russian narratives concerning Ukraine continue to shape the thoughts of people around the world. In order to overcome this, it is important to know the facts surrounding Ukraine and its fight against unprovoked aggression.

July 29, 2024 - Valerii Pekar Vladyslav Rashkovan

“One formula. Forty-eight nations”: a review of Russian Colonialism 101: How to Occupy a Neighbor and Get Away with It

As Russia’s aggression against Ukraine drags on, it is important to remember the wider forces that brought about this war. Exposing a centuries-old tradition of oppression emanating from the Kremlin, Maksym Eristavi has compiled a powerful book that demands an end to such colonial tendencies.

May 24, 2024 - Nicole Yurcaba

Colonialism and trauma in Central and Eastern Europe

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has provided the region with an opportune moment to examine its own deep-rooted legacies of colonialism. Subjected to outside rule in various forms over the past two centuries, the region could now finally grasp the chance to overcome this trauma and truly claim its “subjectivity” on the international stage.

July 1, 2022 - Miłosz J. Cordes

Russian America: How Russia colonised the West?

On March 30th 1867 the Russian Empire sold its remaining territories in North America to the United States. Exactly 150 years ago Russians had decided to leave the American soil for good and the story of "Russian America" ended. While the “Alaska Purchase” caused a lot of controversies on both sides back in the 19th century, it was largely forgotten during the Cold War, and resurfaces only occasionally, usually in rather curious contexts.

May 17, 2017 - Kacper Dziekan


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