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Tag: Romanian politics

Another populist threat to NATO stability?

Romania now finds itself on the front line of NATO's defence against Russian aggression. Despite this, recent European Parliament elections reveal a persistent threat from radical right-wing parties which should not be underestimated. Addressing the grievances attracting people to such forces will help strengthen not only Romania but NATO as a whole.

June 17, 2024 - Maria Branea

Caught between Visegrad and Brussels, what will Romania do?

Romania’s relations with the V4 states have rarely been straight forward. This is perhaps best seen with regards to Bucharest’s enduring support for EU norms. Recent events, however, suggest the country could soon draw closer to the group.

October 27, 2021 - Cristian Roșu

The AUR and the rise of Romanian nationalism – a new beginning or the remnants of the past?

After the December 2020 parliamentary elections, the subject of nationalism resurfaced in Romanian politics. Even though the topic has been a key issue across the rest of Europe over the last decade, it only entered the public stage in Romania after the recent elections.

March 26, 2021 - Alexandru Demianenco


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