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War is difficult and painful. How are Ukrainians managing the heavy psychological stress?

Not only Ukrainian frontline soldiers will be in need of psychological support during and after the ongoing war. A national programme focusing on mental health for the home front is currently being developed under the patronage of the president's wife.

December 20, 2022 - Nazariy Vivcharik

Western prosthetics fill the gap in a war-torn Ukraine

Vadym Maznichenko, a 30-year-old construction worker, lived a regular life in the suburbs of Kyiv, when in summer of 2014 he was drafted to war in eastern Ukraine. He returned after several months, having lost his leg and hand. He could not get a prosthetic hand in his native Ukraine then, and laughs loudly when I ask about the artificial leg the state provided him.

June 1, 2016 - Iuliia Mendel


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