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Tag: post-Soviet space

Symbolic cultural elements and the restored territorial integrity of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s fight to regain control of the disputed Karabakh region has included more than fighting on the frontline. Throughout the three decades between the main Karabakh conflicts, Baku has attempted to use various cultural elements to promote its cause both at home and abroad.

February 20, 2023 - Ismayil Fataliyev

The deconstruction of Russia and reconstruction of a “post-Russia space”: a risky but inevitable scenario

The Russian Federation is home to a large number of ethnic republics that briefly attempted to declare their sovereignty during the collapse of the Soviet Union. A similar series of crises now facing the country should encourage debate on what should be done if such areas once again push for more autonomy.

September 7, 2022 - Mychailo Wynnyckyj Valerii Pekar

Post-communist Russia’s wars and Eurasianism

Russia’s resurgence on the global stage has been motivated by desires to influence all the post-Soviet space. This is clear with regards to various political and military moves, such as those concerning Ukraine. Yet, actions of this type have not been replicated along any part of Russia’s Asian border.

January 26, 2022 - Tomasz Kamusella

Armenia’s different legacy

Armenia may choose to draw on the legacy of its own long history, as opposed to the Soviet legacy narratives. Doing so will help the country through institutional development and reforms.

March 6, 2020 - Valentina Gevorgyan

Armenia’s enduring appeal to institutional practices

After the revolution, Armenia needs to take advantage of the available civil society expertise to provide informed conceptualisations of reform actions, and the institutional platforms that facilitate public oversight of reforms.

January 20, 2020 - Valentina Gevorgyan

Genealogies of memory. Myths, memories and economies: Post-socialist transformations in comparison

The 9th edition of the Genealogies of Memory conference entitled “Myths, Memories and Economies: Post-socialist Transformations in Comparison” focused on the transformation from state socialism to market economies and liberal democracy in the former Eastern Bloc.

December 16, 2019 - Joanna Wawrzyniak Veronika Pehe

How Belarus fails its homeless

Belarus is the host of next month's European Games. This is bad news for the country's many homeless. Already facing a hostile bureaucracy and lacking decent shelters, the homeless will be targeted for 'street cleaning' by the authorities.

May 27, 2019 - Felix Light

Kaliningrad: ‘purported Germanisation’ in Russia’s western enclave

An anti-intellectual and anti-globalist campaign has been picked up by the Russian state and segments of society to “defend” Kaliningrad. Fortunately some Russian voices are disagreeing, though power is this minority’s hands.

March 27, 2019 - Andreas Rossbach

A new authoritarian succession model being tested in Kazakhstan

The news of Nursultan Nazarbayev’s resignation as president of Kazakhstan announced on March 19th 2019 sent shockwaves across Eurasia. No post-Soviet leader has attempted a similar transition since 1991.

March 21, 2019 - Mariya Y. Omelicheva

The foreign policy option of Western countries regarding para states in post-Soviet space

Because para states are unlikely to disappear any time soon, we have to see if they are able to sustain themselves and how to include them without any recognition. Non-recognition is a major geopolitical issue. Respect of human rights is another one, and this too directly concerns states without international recognition and outside the jurisdiction of international law.

October 30, 2018 - Michael Eric Lambert

Russia’s disruptive narrative on Bolshevik revolution

While Putin’s Russia is proud of the big achievements of the Soviet era and views the collapse of the USSR as “the biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century”, it has failed to form a clear view of its past, including the Bolshevik Revolution. As long as that is the case, the country will hardly build a vision for the future.

November 30, 2017 - Rahim Rahimov

The spectre of Homo post-Sovieticus

Homo post-Sovieticus is a permanent fixture of the post-communist landscape: resentful, frustrated, angry – and retroactively clairvoyant. As long as HPS exists, communism endures: it is the ancient regime that provides the interpretative templates which many citizens of post-communist countries use to interpret the world that surrounds them.

October 19, 2017 - Venelin I. Ganev


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