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Tag: natural gas

A big gas war for Europe begins

The energy market in Europe is undergoing large scale changes. Taking a closer look at the gas sector, it becomes clear that a number of new factors will play a role in shaping its future.

March 11, 2020 - Aleksander Kowalewski

Russia resumes natural gas imports from Turkmenistan

On April 15th, Gazprom announced that it had resumed natural gas purchases from Turkmenistan after a three year hiatus. The announcement comes at a critical moment, when Ashgabat desperately needs new gas customers to prop up its suffering hydrocarbon-dependent economy.

May 31, 2019 - Natalia Konarzewska

Pyongyang’s Russian sentiment

North Korea continues to play on a one man team as its nuclear tests only deepen the country’s isolation. South Korea, the United States and Japan are actively involved politically on the Korean peninsula but their goals rarely focus on issues other than international security. However, there are countries for which Kim Jong Un's regime is not only a target for international sanctions and criticism, but also an economic partner. China and Russia are part of that club. Paradoxically, maintaining good relations with Kim’s regime is important for Moscow as any potential dominance in Asia partly depends on Pyongyang’s support.

June 23, 2017 - Grzegorz Kaliszuk


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