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Tag: NATO membership

How was NATO won? Assessing Poland’s record in NATO after 25 years

Alongside several of its neighbours, Poland recently celebrated a quarter of a century in NATO. Seen as a means of ensuring the country’s transition to democracy, membership of the Alliance has allowed Warsaw to become a key player in European security. Despite this, it is clear that real challenges lie ahead.

March 25, 2024 - Wojciech Michnik

We need to remember what this is – a war of aggression

An interview with Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of NATO. Interviewer: Vazha Tavberidze.

March 22, 2024 - Jens Stoltenberg Vazha Tavberidze

NATO summit in Vilnius: waiting for a strategic roadmap for Ukraine

During the upcoming Vilnius summit, NATO will need to form a clear and consistent position and specify its own understanding of how the war will end. The Ukrainian side expects NATO to declare the steps necessary to guarantee its security and achieve the complete restoration of control over all its territories, ultimately leading to Ukraine’s membership in the Alliance.

July 4, 2023 - Anton Naychuk

What would Sweden and Finland joining NATO mean for the Baltics?

By invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin wanted to change Europe’s security architecture and stop the expansion of NATO. Instead, Sweden and Finland, traditionally non-aligned countries, are now considering to join the alliance. Their membership would have a major impact on the security of the Baltic states.

May 11, 2022 - Andrius Balčiūnas LRT

Why Ukraine deserves major non-NATO ally status

If Ukraine’s authorities continue to ask for further assistance and military aid, including various technology, it would be necessary that this co-operation become institutionalised and backed by agreements. Adding Ukraine to the list of US major non-NATO allies would be one way to carry this out.

May 10, 2022 - Vladyslav Faraponov

Poland’s changing role on the eastern flank of NATO

Poland has the potential to be a regional leader on NATO’s eastern flank. It will be up to politicians both in Warsaw and Washington to make this a reality.

June 29, 2021 - Jakub Bornio

The political consequences of NATO membership for Montenegro

Montenegro's NATO membership has opened new avenues of military cooperation and greater political influence. A politically divided Montenegro continues to see NATO as a pillar to its stability.

June 28, 2021 - Visar Xhambazi

Ukrainian NATO membership: Realistic or a diplomatic tool?

Ukraine is aware of the unrealistic path to NATO membership. The Zelenskyy and Biden administrations will not refrain from keeping the issue on the agenda, as it benefits both of them regionally and internally.

June 25, 2021 - Maryna Parfenchuk

Closing the window of opportunity for Russia?

The unclear NATO membership status of Georgia and Ukraine creates ambiguity and vulnerability in the ‘grey zone’ area of the Black Sea.

June 7, 2021 - Silvie Leštinská

North Macedonia and the uncertain future of Syriza

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize over the improvement of Greek-North Macedonian relations following the latter’s name change. But what if the Greek population is not as impressed as the rest of the international community?

May 9, 2019 - Michael Goodyear

To bring Godot, wait for Godot. Georgia and the Warsaw Summit

Considering the harsh realities of international politics, the Warsaw Summit has constituted a success of Georgia’s foreign policy. Georgia, as it has been widely expected, has not been invited to join the Membership Action Plan. Although, each post-Bucharest NATO Summit, like the messenger boy in Godot, reminds us that NATO membership ‘will not come this evening but surely tomorrow’. Despite this, Georgia should realise that steadily waiting for Godot is the only way to ensure that Godot arrives.

July 21, 2016 - Irakli Sirbiladze


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