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Tag: Moldovan politics

Moldova has secured its EU path but new challenges arise 

Moldova recently endorsed the ideas of its pro-EU President Maia Sandu and her party during recent votes in October. However, it is unclear if this will prove to be the end of Chisinau’s political uncertainty regarding foreign affairs. While one round of voting is over, the country now looks to new elections next year.

December 3, 2024 - Dan Nicorici

Moldovan lessons in European integration

Moldova’s recent votes in favour of moving towards the EU were met with great approval across the bloc. Despite this, the situation in the country is far from clear cut at the moment. With ongoing Russian attempts to influence the country, there is still a long way to go if serious progress is to be made in bringing the country closer to Europe.

November 15, 2024 - Piotr Oleksy

The votes of the Moldovan diaspora changed the results

Interview with Moldovan political scientist Oktawian Milewski. Interviewers: Nina Pániková and Adam Reichardt.

November 5, 2024 - Adam Reichardt Nina Pániková Oktawian Milewski

A referendum at the crossroads: Moldova’s democratic test amidst presidential elections

On October 20th 2024, Moldova will simultaneously hold its presidential elections and a crucial referendum on the country’s accession to the EU, a strategic confluence that was initially seen as a mobilization tactic by President Maia Sandu but now looms as a substantial risk. If the referendum fails to engage sufficient voter turnout, it could not only undermine the current government but also potentially benefit pro-Russian factions in upcoming parliamentary elections.

June 14, 2024 - Alexandru Demianenco

Moldova’s path towards a better future is paved with many crises

Moldova recently made headlines as the country finally achieved EU candidate status alongside neighbouring Ukraine. Despite this, the country and its pro-EU government still face a great number of internal and external challenges on the way to further socio-economic success.

July 11, 2022 - Alexandru Demianenco


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