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Tag: military reform

Conscription mandates would be a disaster for Balkan entrepreneurs

Imagine being 27 years old, with a good job, a mortgage for an apartment, a wife, and two children, and suddenly receiving a call-up to mandatory military service with a compensation of 900 euros. This could soon become a reality for some men in Serbia and Croatia.

November 4, 2024 - Tea Kljajić

Falling short

With the invasion of Ukraine well underway, the Russian military has performed abysmally. It is apparent that the reforms undertaken by the Kremlin to modernise its armed forces have been a failure.

March 18, 2022 - Daniel Jarosak

Russia’s military reform: Adapting to the realities of modern warfare

The 2008 military reform programme in Russia was launched to address the technological and organisational weaknesses of the Russian military which became particularly visible during the Russia-Georgia war. The programme has been focused on the update of military hardware as well as enhancement of combat readiness for local and large scale engagement operations through structural and organisational improvements across all branches of the Russian army.

October 13, 2016 - Maksym Beznosiuk


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