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Tag: media in belarus

Digital multitude: the multiple that takes over the one

In Belarus, an outdated totalitarian regime of power based on old technologies, faces a new generation of free people relying on a digital multitude.

December 11, 2020 - Almira Ousmanova

Belarus. The two hidden mechanisms of media censorship

The Freedom of the Press ranking recently published by Freedom House has found Belarus’ media environment to be Europe’s most restrictive. The ranking placed Belarus as 192nd out of 199 countries and territories within the “worst of the worst” category. These results suggest that media freedom in Belarus has neither been influenced by the country’s recent improvements in its relations with the West nor by the rapid spread of digital technologies. Some of the business community’s representatives have been unsatisfied with the ranking’s results, which call for a deeper reflection on the hidden mechanisms of control that afflict Belarusian media.

May 18, 2016 - Ales Herasimenka


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