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Tag: Jews

From Poland-Lithuania to science fiction

Science fiction is a genre that aspires to predict the human future through the lens of expected technological progress. Few realize that it emerged from the tragic experience of Poland-Lithuania’s Jewish community during the dark 20th century.

December 13, 2024 - Tomasz Kamusella

The situation in Grodno was not calm. The rise of nationalism in the city became a reason for the pogrom

The second half of the 1930s saw a rise of antisemitic attitudes in Poland. This was caused by several factors among which was the unstable economic situation in the country and the aggressive antisemitism that began to dominate in neighbouring Nazi Germany. Violent events also took place in Poland. One of them was in Grodno in 1935.

June 2, 2024 - Ihar Melnikau

The history of the Japanese consul who saved Belarusian Jews

One of the “Righteous among the Nations” is the Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara. At the beginning of the Second World War, he saved the lives of thousands of Polish Jewish citizens, among whom were people from present-day Belarus.

December 22, 2023 - Ihar Melnikau

The displacement of the Jews of Eastern Ukraine

Interview with Sam Sokol, author of Putin’s Hybrid War and the Jews: Antisemitism, Propaganda, and the Displacement of Ukrainian Jewry. Interviewer: Daniel Gleichgewicht.

December 9, 2019 - Daniel Gleichgewicht Sam Sokol

What was a hundred years ago will not return

Interview with Miriam Synger, director of the Emuna Foundation, which supports the Jewish community in Łódź. Interviewer: Daniel Gleichgewicht.

May 23, 2019 - Daniel Gleichgewicht Miriam Synger

The way to Ukrainian-Jewish understanding

Interview with Yosyf Zisels, a former dissident, chairman of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities (VAAD) in Ukraine and a board member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. Interviewer: Kataryna Pryshchepa.

November 20, 2017 - Kateryna Pryshchepa

Showing the Holocaust through women’s eyes

“Mother?! What does it mean? Who is this creature called mother, who with great pleasure suffers and gives birth to a new life…”. These are the words from the diary of Rywka Lipszyc – one of the most mysterious heroines of the Holocaust. Her story is the subject of an exhibit of the Galicia Jewish Museum in Kraków, Poland which is held from 28th June 2017 to 31st March 2018.

July 21, 2017 - Monika Szafrańska

Wilne – a walk through the Jewish Vilnius

This article was originally published in "Meanwhile in the Baltics...", a collection of articles written by the graduates of 2016 Solidarity Academy - Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue, organised by the European Solidarity Centre in partnership with the Council of the Baltic Sea States. 

February 22, 2017 - Marita Gasteiger

Babyn Yar: A site of massacres, (dis)remembrance and instrumentalisation

This piece originally appeared in Issue 1/2016 of New Eastern Europe. Subscribe now. A century ago, Babyn Yar (also often referred to as “Babi Yar”) was a vast ravine on the edge of the city of Kyiv. Today, this place is actually located in the centre of the Ukrainian capital and is now built up with roads, […]

October 11, 2016 - Yuri Radchenko


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