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Tag: Higher education

Sexual harassment and conservative traditionalism in universities

Cases of sexual harassment in higher education in Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Bangladesh shed light on the scale of the problem and how state institutions tend to react.

July 6, 2020 - Ararat L. Osipian

Choosing between classes and fire safety in Ukraine

With many Ukrainian institutions of higher education on the brink of financial collapse, negligence and growing utility costs result in fire safety being overlooked.

January 23, 2020 - Ararat L. Osipian

Ukraine’s Borys Paton, National Academy of Sciences turn 100

The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine celebrates its centennial anniversary, and so does its president, Borys Paton, who turns 100 on November 27th 2018. Appointed to this position in 1961, Paton, referred to recently as the “Perpetum mobile” of Ukrainian science, has ruled the Academy for 57 years. Celebration events for the Academy’s anniversary are scheduled for early December. But there may be not much to celebrate, other than the date itself.

November 27, 2018 - Ararat L. Osipian


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