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Tag: Global South

Portugal just elected its weakest government in decades but Ukraine is still a matter of consensus

Most of Portugal’s foreign policy has been driven by its status as a member state of both NATO and the EU. Although geographically removed from the battlefield, Portuguese society is one of the most ardent believers in a Ukrainian victory. Even at a time of profound change in the political landscape, support for Kyiv will remain solid.

May 13, 2024 - João Ruela Ribeiro

Defence diplomacy: Ukraine and the Global South

Based on previous experience, strategic communications – including defence diplomacy – are usually built on the principle of the “Five Ms”: messages, messengers, media, mediums and mechanisms. The messages should be tailored carefully to the audience, addressing political narratives, shared historical experiences, socio-psychological aspects, instrumental issues and cultural affairs. Ukraine should come out strong in the messaging and other pillars of this strategy when trying to cooperate with the “Global South” and procure military support.

April 11, 2024 - Omar Ashour


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