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Tag: Freedom Party of Austria

Salzburg’s elections closes a victorious electoral year for Sebastian Kurz

The Austrian right is cementing its position at the local level after last years success in the country's legislative elections. What can be understood from this years regional vote in four Austrian States?

April 27, 2018 - Stefano Arroque

The Austrian quagmire

Austria stands at a crossroads. With the second round of the presidential election annulled, after the Supreme Court ruled that the Green Party leader Alexander van der Bellen’s narrow victory over the staunchly nationalist Norbert Hofer might have been due to voting irregularities, the country is set for a rerun in December. The vote may result in this European state having a far-right leader for the first time since the Second World War. Given the rise of populist movements all over Europe which profit from the unstable economic situation and a fresh rise in xenophobic sentiment due to the refugee crisis, it seems that Austrian politics have entered uncharted territory.

November 7, 2016 - Stefano Arroque


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