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Tag: Former Yugoslavia

Former Yugoslav nations deserve peace

An interview with Gojko Božović, a Belgrade-based Serbian poet, literary critic and publisher. Interviewer: Nikodem Szczygłowski

NIKODEM SZCZYGŁOWSKI: It has been 30 years since the break-up of Yugoslavia. In an essay published in 2021 titled Yugoslavia. 30 Years, the Slovenian writer Drago Jančar compared the countries that once made up Yugoslavia to islands in an archipelago. The publishing house which you head is also called Arhipelag, which in English means archipelago. What is your mission and what kind of literature do you opt to publish?

GOJKO BOŽOVIĆ: The Arhipelag was founded in 2007. At that time the reality was very different from the one we live in today. It was before the global economic crisis, before the great wave of populism that swept the world and still has no intention of leaving it. At that time, there was much more democracy in Eastern European and Balkan states and societies, especially in Serbia.

September 11, 2023 - Gojko Božović Nikodem Szczygłowski

Lessons for Brexit Britain from the Balkans

Disputes over sovereignty may drag on for decades. What can the UK learn from the conflict over Kosovo's sovereignty?

April 13, 2021 - George Kyris Luke Bacigalupo

Serbia’s self-defeating neo-Yugoslavism

Vučić's Serbia stands by the Yugoslav practice of manipulating its relations with Moscow to gain advantages from the West.

August 19, 2020 - Janusz Bugajski


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