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Tag: far-right politics

Another populist threat to NATO stability?

Romania now finds itself on the front line of NATO's defence against Russian aggression. Despite this, recent European Parliament elections reveal a persistent threat from radical right-wing parties which should not be underestimated. Addressing the grievances attracting people to such forces will help strengthen not only Romania but NATO as a whole.

June 17, 2024 - Maria Branea

A central and eastern EU elections summary

While the results of the EU parliamentary elections in Central and Eastern Europe did not lead to political upheaval as seen in France, it is becoming clear that the far-right representation in Strasbourg will increase from this part of Europe.

June 11, 2024 - Ottilie Tabberer

How the expected Eurosceptic surge in June’s European elections may strengthen the European Parliament

It is widely expected that right-wing parties sceptical of Brussels will make gains in the upcoming European elections. Despite this, such parties’ newfound power may ironically bolster the institutions of which they have been so critical.

June 7, 2024 - Francis Shin

How far right politics derailed Estonian higher education success

Estonia’s success story in education recently made a U-turn. In less than two years, a grand coalition of populist parties have affected Estonia’s international reputation and diplomatic relations, exerted pressure on civil society and the media, contributed to social polarisation, and undermined human rights. The coalition collapsed in January, but not before some serious damage was caused.

In recent years Estonia, an innovative e-state with a population of only 1.3 million, attracted much attention of world leaders, academics and venture capitalists thanks to its high-tech digital society and high performance in education. Fundamental reforms of the Soviet educational system took off in the early years of Estonian independence.

April 11, 2021 - Anastasia Starchenko


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