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Tag: EU-Belarus

Democratic Belarus in the EU: here to stay

The 2020 protests in Belarus have given birth to a veritable ecosystem of institutions and NGOs within the country’s democratic forces in exile. This is particularly clear regarding the diaspora in the EU, with many members now planning further and permanent cooperation with the bloc well into the future.

October 25, 2024 - Wicke van den Broek

A “Second Ukraine in Belarus”? European narratives concerning the Belarusian pro-democracy movement

The Belarus crisis has encouraged various groups and individuals to create metaphors and analogies as a means of understanding ongoing events. However, competition between these differing narratives continues to overshadow the uniqueness of the crisis, which still pervades all of Belarusian society free of any geopolitical aspirations.

October 23, 2020 - Katsiaryna Lozka

Belarus in the multipolar world: Lukashenka bets on himself

The unflinching Belarusian leader is set on a course navigating his country through increasingly rough geopolitical seas. Lukashenka is hoping he can keep the East and West at arms length, while warming up to China at the same time.

January 21, 2020 - Yegor Vasylyev

Softly, softly Belarus

One might not notice it, but certain changes are taking place in Belarus. This may be good news for European policymakers and diplomats who seek to engage Belarus and keep it balanced in its relations with Russia, as long as expectations are not kept too high.

Belarus is changing. It is changing in ways that help European engagement. But, to be clear, the area where change is minimal is probably the one where Europeans want to see the most improvement. This is the political sphere. The label “Last Dictatorship in Europe” may be out of date, but Belarus is not about to become a democracy any time soon. What is driving change is the concept of sovereignty. First is the logic of sovereignty, which has been operative for some time; but often belated or delayed by political factors, namely Belarus’s formerly close relationship with Russia. Second is the threat to sovereignty since the situation in Ukraine from 2014; though partly this threat can be traced back to the war in Georgia in 2008.

September 2, 2018 - Andrew Wilson


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