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Tag: energy security

Is Ukraine’s energy infrastructure ready for the upcoming winter?

This winter naturally poses a raft of challenges for Ukraine as it continues its fight against Moscow’s invasion. Indeed, conditions during the previous two winters only exacerbated issues on the front line. Despite this, problems related to infrastructure may make the coming months especially difficult for Kyiv.

December 5, 2024 - Mark Temnycky

The low-hanging fruit of European integration: Moldova’s election and the power play of energy dependency

Nowhere is the choice between Europe and Moscow more evident than in Moldova’s energy sector. By promising cheap gas, Moscow offers pro-Russian actors a powerful campaign tool. This quick fix appeals to both the population and oligarchs. To break free from the Kremlin's grip and pursue a pro-European future, the stakes in these elections will have major repercussions on the energy sector.

October 18, 2024 - Jakub A. Bartoszewski Michael M. Richter

Norway on the front line of tensions with Russia

Norway is a country with a strong Arctic identity and a NATO “listening post” in this strategically important region of the world. For decades, the basis of Norway's defence policy in the Far North has been a paradigm of, on the one hand, maintaining extensive defence capabilities in close cooperation within the North Atlantic Alliance, and on the other hand, “appeasing” Russia through close bilateral cooperation in the Arctic, especially in the economic sphere. As with other Nordic states, the perception of the threats coming from the world's largest state has definitely changed in the country after February 24th 2022. Norwegians are taking the possibility of an attack on their territory by the Russian Federation more and more seriously.

July 10, 2024 - Karolina Zub-Lewińska

“More air defence systems is the most effective means of supporting our power system”

Interview with the Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Mykola Kolisnyk. Interviewer: Kateryna Pryshchepa.

April 15, 2024 - Kateryna Pryshchepa Mykola Kolisnyk

Gazprom’s very public suicide

The energy crisis initiated before Russia invaded Ukraine may be the last one thanks to Gazprom's impressive suicide in Europe. Moscow may start using hybrid war tools more frequently considering the growing number of incidents connected to Russian gas with unknown perpetrators.

January 26, 2024 - Wojciech Jakóbik

Ukraine should become a key stakeholder in Central and Eastern European energy security

Europe is currently faced with a dilemma in its energy policy. While sanctions against Moscow have ended supplies from Russia, the EU and many member states are transitioning to more green energy sources. Given the current uncertainty facing the continent, a stronger energy partnership with Kyiv may be just the remedy.

September 6, 2023 - Jozef Hrabina

Momentum for change in the Romanian energy sector

With the start of Russia’s unprovoked military invasion of Ukraine, one of the main problems on the mind of every European became the insecurity and instability around energy supply. In a race to diversify their sources of supply, countries who are dependent on Russian energy began to explore options that had been previously avoided. As European countries struggle to cut ties with their unstable Eastern partner, Romania is increasingly seen as a future European energy hub.

December 5, 2022 - Alexandru Demianenco

Germany as a bellwether for post-war European energy security

The interdependence between Russia and Germany has also created geopolitical and security concerns for the EU. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Germany needs to now understand that domestic and European energy security are intertwined. There are several measures that Germany can adopt in order to address this energy security dilemma in the short and long term, taking into account geopolitical circumstances at the EU level.

Three days into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced a Zeitenwende – a turning point in the history of East-West relations. His speech in the Bundestag was meant to mark a generational change in German foreign policy towards Russia. When Chancellor Scholz declared that Germany would, in a gradual process, dramatically reduce its dependence on Russian energy supplies, it launched a debate among German policymakers that has reverberated across Europe. While the goal is apparent, to extricate Germany from Russian energy dependence with minimal economic trauma, there is still no consensus on how to achieve this.

September 29, 2022 - Ismet Fatih Čančar Marc Ozawa

Pulling the trigger on Russia’s gas weapon: the Kremlin is now deciding on whether to cut the European Union off. 

Europe’s energy dependency has become a key topic of debate ever since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February. With autumn fast approaching, the continent is now faced with the prospect of Moscow using its abundant resources as a weapon. Decision makers must now act to head off the worst of the potential consequences.

August 18, 2022 - Joshua Kroeker

Georgia’s move towards a green economy: possibilities, drawbacks and structural challenges

Green issues are usually not the first thing that comes to mind regarding Georgian politics. Despite this, the signing of a recent treaty shows that the country is starting to take climate change seriously. Tbilisi must subsequently make sure that such promises now result in real change.

August 16, 2022 - Lasha Gamjashvili

The Ukrainian electric power industry on the front line: challenges and opportunities ahead

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has directly threatened the operation and future of the country’s energy industry. Despite this, the ongoing challenges faced by the sector and opportunities that opened up may make it more resilient and adaptable in the long run.

May 3, 2022 - Ruslan Kermach

What to expect from the new Belarusian nuclear power plant

Belarus’s new Astravets Nuclear Power Plant is set to begin operations next year. Many have already raised concerns regarding the plant’s safety and its potential geopolitical effects. Going beyond the ominous headlines and pessimistic outlooks, we look into what to expect from this latest development.

July 27, 2020 - Darya Podgoretskaya


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