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Tag: Donetsk

Propaganda, a “Cursed Region” and the Yanukovych disease: a review of Olena Stiazhkina’s Ukraine, War, Love: A Donetsk Diary

The ongoing war in Ukraine now finds itself fighting for the attention of the global media. Thankfully, Ukrainians are managing to keep their plight alive in a myriad of ways. In her new book, Olena Stiazhkina describes her own experiences of the Russian invasion.

February 2, 2024 - Nicole Yurcaba

Donetsk’s “Isolation” torture prison

The Russian-controlled east Ukrainian separatists have been operating a small concentration camp in the city of Donetsk, Ukraine for more than six years now. Outside any regular jurisdiction, men and women are being physically and psychologically tormented on a daily basis, in ways reminiscent of Europe’s darkest times.

January 5, 2021 - Andreas Umland Stanislav Aseyev

Photo-report: Donetsk People’s Republic’s second anniversary

On May 11th 2016, Donetsk celebrated the second anniversary of the proclamation of the Donetsk People's Republic, which, together with the Luhansk People's Republic, has been unrecognised by the international community. The celebrations took place under the shadow of the ongoing armed conflict with Ukraine.

May 19, 2016 - Wojciech Koźmic


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