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Tag: democratic resilience

Countering FIMI. A review of seven countries under the Beacon Project

Last year, the International Republican Institute’s (IRI) Beacon Project did a comprehensive study to understand foreign information manipulation and interference in various European countries (as well as Taiwan). The results show different approaches, but also common lessons that can and should be applied to strengthen democratic resilience against growing these increasing threats.

January 15, 2025 - Oktawian Milewski

Georgia, Moldova and Bulgaria are counting on Europe’s support to resist Russia and safeguard democracy

The region is currently experiencing a wave of elections that could prove pivotal for the future of various countries. If the West is to properly halt Russian designs concerning these events, it must offer a comprehensive plan to both political parties and civil society to strengthen and maintain democratic values in the area.

October 30, 2024 - Lika Kobeshavidze

Georgians want a better future

Last year, Georgia’s government proposed a controversial “foreign agents” law similar to that in Russia. While protests forced the authorities to back down at the time, a renewed attempt has resulted in more demonstrations demanding a European future for the country.

May 15, 2024 - Mark Temnycky

Combatting disinformation by state agencies: the case of the Swedish Psychological Defence Agency 

Interview with Mikael Tofvesson, head of the operational department of the Psychological Defence Agency. Interviewer: Andrzej Kozłowski.

May 7, 2024 - Andrzej Kozłowski Mikael Tofvesson

Democratic backsliding and democratic resilience in Slovakia

As Slovaks head to the polls to vote in the second round of their country’s presidential election there is more at stake than the appointment of a new head of state. With the opposition and civil society united, Fico’s government could face a serious setback to its plans to capture more of the state.

April 5, 2024 - Roman Hlatky


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