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Tag: Czech foreign policy

Czech-Taiwanese relations on the rise

Some EU countries have decided on a clear position regarding China’s foreign policy aims. This could not have become more apparent when a plane filled with Czech people arrived in Taipei.

April 4, 2023 - Ladislav Charouz

The Czech Republic and the Eastern European agenda: many challenges, new opportunities

On July 1st, the Czech Republic took over the Council of the European Union’s presidency. This has happened at a time of enormous pressure, as the union is faced with the Russian war against Ukraine. Czechia’s performance may benefit particularly from a clear consensus when it comes to sanctions on Moscow. Under a responsible leadership, the state may not only help bring an end to the violence in Ukraine but also lead the country closer to the bloc.

August 2, 2022 - Pavel Havlicek

Czech presidency can revive the faltering Eastern Partnership

In mid-December, Brussels hosted a key summit of the Eastern Partnership. The Czech Republic has long placed great emphasis on this form of EU neighbourhood policy. However, reluctance on the part of some EU states suggests that the meeting’s outcomes may not live up to the country’s hopes.

December 27, 2021 - Pavel Havlicek


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