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Tag: Chinese investment

Serbia is under pressure from Chinese investments

The last decade has seen Belgrade and Beijing become close economic partners. Whilst this cooperation has brought many benefits to the Balkan state, its one-sided dependence on Chinese investment may cause issues in the future.

November 29, 2021 - Ihor Levchenko

The fading “charm offensive”: Is China losing its game in Central and Eastern Europe?

While some CEE states still remain eager to deepen their links with Beijing, the absences at the summit in February could point to a reverse tendency.

April 2, 2021 - Eter Glurjidze Soso Dzamukashvili

The China factor in Russia’s response to the Belarus crisis

Xi Jinping was the first leader to congratulate Lukashenka on his election result. China will keep a close eye on the developments in Belarus, including Russia's reaction.

August 21, 2020 - Anthony Rinna

The future of Chinese investment in the Caucasus – The case of Abkhazia

China is balancing its investments with large doses of pragmatism in the Caucasus. Internationally recognized partners or not, work on the Belt and Road Initiative must proceed.

September 20, 2018 - Michael Eric Lambert

Will Chinese investment sacrifice Ukraine’s dreams of democracy to economic needs?

After years of rapid economic growth, bold policymaking and shrewd business tactics, China has become a global player. With its business interests expanding at every opportunity, China’s power now rivals that of the United States. In Eastern Europe, China’s strategic engagement is focused on Ukraine.

September 9, 2016 - Olga Oleinikova


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