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Tag: China in CEE

Is Central and Eastern Europe a lost bet for China?

Following the economic crash in 2008, China became an attractive option for regional governments hoping to weather the storm. Despite this, many of the promises and agreements made at this time have caused more trouble than good. This is best seen in the fading influence of the once promising 17+1 platform.

July 17, 2024 - Rigels Lenja

Czech-Taiwanese relations on the rise

Some EU countries have decided on a clear position regarding China’s foreign policy aims. This could not have become more apparent when a plane filled with Czech people arrived in Taipei.

April 4, 2023 - Ladislav Charouz

Central and Eastern Europe’s emerging relations with India in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian War

Much has been made of India’s seemingly neutral position on the war in Ukraine. Whilst the country has maintained many traditional links with Moscow, New Delhi’s growing importance on the global stage offers a range of new opportunities for states across Central and Eastern Europe.

June 7, 2022 - Jakub Bornio Priya Vijaykumar Poojary

Budapest, Beijing, Brussels and beyond: a conversation on Viktor Orbán’s China policy

As China explores new strategic opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán seeks his own advantages from the partnership. Despite the many limitations and lack of public support for closer Sino-Hungarian ties, threatening Brussels with the Chinese dragon yields some results.

July 20, 2021 - Meghan Poff

Montenegro, the first victim of China’s debt-trap diplomacy

As Montenegro struggles to stay afloat financially having to repay a large Chinese loan, the EU refuses to help Montenegro, providing an excellent opportunity for China to get more than a foothold in the country.

May 7, 2021 - Visar Xhambazi

“We will not be intimidated.” Despite China’s threats, Lithuania moves to recognise Uighur genocide

After the historical move by Brussels to impose sanctions on China, Beijing retaliated by targeting four Lithuanian politicians among over a dozen European diplomats and officials. Now, despite direct pressure on Lithuanian MPs, Vilnius is planning to recognise repressions against the Uighurs as genocide.

April 19, 2021 - Andrius Balčiūnas 


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