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Tag: Canada

Opening Ukraine to investment is the best way to free the country

Ukraine's friends and allies must aid the country in ensuring a fair and level playing field for international investors.

July 7, 2021 - Joseph Hammond

A new era in the Arctic

An interview with Professor Marc Lanteigne from the Arctic University of Norway. Interviewer: Mario Giagnorio

March 3, 2020 - Marc Lanteigne Mario Giagnorio

Things like Baltic states and the peculiarities of Canadian English

This week, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau received some mediocre, but comedic negativity during a series of rapid-fire questions asked by Maclean’s magazine to promote an upcoming town hall at the National Arts Center in Ottawa. The light-hearted questions included the following: Last thing you cooked on the stove? – “Scrambled Eggs.”

What’s the first line of poetry that comes to mind? – Recites Cyrano de Bergerac

What’s your Achilles heel? – “I geek out way too easily.”

Nova Scotia or British Columbia? – “Yeah, not a chance I’m answering that.”

Favourite Baltic Nation? – “That’s not a thing.”

December 20, 2015 - Lukasz Lukaszek


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