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Tag: business

Due diligence of a company in Ukraine

Tips and tricks on how to obtain objective information on a counterparty.

November 22, 2019 - Irina Voyevodina Marta Sverdlikovskaya

Establishing a business in Ukraine

Reviewing key points of doing business in Ukraine.

June 25, 2019 - Irina Voyevodina Marta Sverdlikovskaya

Strange bedfellows: How the politics-business nexus stifles innovation in Russia

It is no secret that innovation is responsible for as much as 80 per cent of economic growth. Not surprisingly, given the current situation in the global economy, especially the rising inequality in the developed world and the dysfunction of commodity-driven economic models in many developing countries, the next economic breakthroughs lie in innovation in fields such as biotechnology, genetic engineering, 3-D printing and robotics. The question of what it takes to be globally competitive really comes down to what it takes to be innovative. And the answer lies in politics.

November 24, 2016 - Dina Rosenberg


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