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Why India must distance itself from Lukashenka’s Belarus

In addition to being bought and paid for by the Kremlin, the embattled Belarusian dictator is becoming dangerously beholden to China. An opportunity now exists for India to actively distance itself from Minsk.

January 24, 2025 - Saahil Menon

Will Belarus enter the BRICS? A Brazilian perspective.

The BRICS summit in Kazan could have paved the way for the future accession of new members. Belarus would like to join as it views membership as a chance to break free from its international isolation. Brazil could be the one blocking the organization's expansion as it is becoming increasingly worried about the growing Chinese influence.

November 27, 2024 - Angelo Biazus Marin Kramer

How BRICS is collapsing under the weight of its own ambition

Nearly two decades after its establishment, the multilateral organization remains a mere talking shop with no coherent agenda or mission statement.

October 11, 2024 - Saahil Menon


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