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Tag: Belarusian oppisition

Thirty years of Lukashenka

This year marks the thirty-year anniversary of Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s rule. While the Belarusian leader has been able to consolidate his power in the country, recent responses to crackdowns on the opposition suggest an uncertain future for the dictator.

August 28, 2024 - Mark Temnycky

In and out of Belarus: the dissidents will not give up

Interview with Andrei Vazyanau, a teacher and Belarusian citizen forced to flee across two nations: Belarus and Ukraine. Interviewer: Claudia Bettiol.

January 31, 2023 - Andrei Vazyanau Claudia Bettiol

The father that doesn’t want to leave: Between authoritarian violence and social anger in Belarus

Lukashenka is no longer a "batka", the father of all Belarusians. His supporters used this nickname because of their affirmation and his opponents – because of patriarchal nature for his rule. He himself accepted the name without a shred of modesty and at times spoke about his role in the third person. However, after 26 years, the children have rebelled and disowned their authoritarian father. By lying and using brutal violence, the long-term leader of the Belarusian state has irrevocably lost his legitimacy among the people. However, this only encourages him to stay in power – by any means necessary.

May 10, 2021 - Tadeusz Iwański

The rainbow colours flying together with the white-red-white flags. The Belarusian LGBT community at protests

The protests in Belarus have brought together people from different parts of the wider society. Despite the often hostile attitudes of other protestors towards them, the LGBT community in Belarus continues to actively participate in the protests.

November 10, 2020 - Maxim Rust

What new election should the Belarusian society demand?

The recent fraudulent presidential election in Belarus has triggered continuous mass protests throughout the country. The violent crackdown of the protests resulted in substantial international condemnation of the activities that Lukashenka's regime undertook. Among those calling for dialogue, there are voices in favour of a new free and fair presidential election with international observers.

August 31, 2020 - Kiryl Kascian

We believe! We can! We will win! A week that changed Belarus

Lukashenka is running out of options as the mass protest of Belarusian society continues with no sign of weakening.

August 18, 2020 - Maxim Rust

Belarusian activist: independence from Soviets ‘never became a holiday’

Kiryl Kryvicki, a student at Vytautas Magnus University and an active member of the Belarusian community in Vilnius, talks to LRT English about why the political opposition in Belarus does not celebrate the independence day on July 3.

August 14, 2020 - Ieva Žvinakytė Kiryl Kryvicki

Peaceful protests met with violence in Belarus

Authorities claim landslide victory for President Lukashenka in an election that was neither free nor fair.

August 10, 2020 - Daniel Gleichgewicht

Ahead of the presidential elections in Belarus

A summary of New Eastern Europe's special coverage of the Belarusian presidential elections.

August 7, 2020 - Maxim Rust

A new united opposition up against a tired president: counting down to the elections in Belarus

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya has emerged as the face of the new opposition ahead of the upcoming elections in Belarus, where she has drawn crowds not seen in the country since the 1990s.

August 5, 2020 - Maxim Rust

Belarus presidential election 2020: (un)obvious choices

The surprisingly calm start to the presidential election campaign in Belarus featured the gathering of signatures in public. Within a few weeks police provocations and arrests have forced the candidates to adapt.

June 15, 2020 - Maxim Rust Yahor Azarkevich

Belarus is the world’s strangest state right now

The new epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, Belarus is seeing an unprecedented wave of civic participation amid the upcoming presidential election.

May 28, 2020 - Yahor Azarkevich


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