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Tag: Belarusian emigration

Democratic Belarus in the EU: here to stay

The 2020 protests in Belarus have given birth to a veritable ecosystem of institutions and NGOs within the country’s democratic forces in exile. This is particularly clear regarding the diaspora in the EU, with many members now planning further and permanent cooperation with the bloc well into the future.

October 25, 2024 - Wicke van den Broek

Where is Belarus?

The country ruled by the Kremlin-subordinate Alyaksandr Lukashenka has been transformed into a "Mordor" threatening its neighbours. Most would like to cut ties and forget about its existence. Belarus has become more distant.

August 10, 2024 - Paulina Siegień

‘I don’t feel safe anymore.’ Belarusians in Lithuania – yesterday’s friends, today’s foes?

With a new law in Lithuania, Belarusian exiles in Vilnius have found themselves facing a new reality – are they no longer welcome?

June 27, 2023 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT

Security threat or arbitrary rejection? Belarusian exiles battle with Lithuania’s migration policies

Russian and Belarusian citizens applying for residence in Lithuania have to prove they are not a threat to national security. They have to fill out questionnaires with questions like “Whose is Crimea?” and fear arbitrary decisions from Lithuania’s institutions.

June 16, 2023 - Jurga Bakaitė LRT

In and out of Belarus: the dissidents will not give up

Interview with Andrei Vazyanau, a teacher and Belarusian citizen forced to flee across two nations: Belarus and Ukraine. Interviewer: Claudia Bettiol.

January 31, 2023 - Andrei Vazyanau Claudia Bettiol

Life in exile — a report on Belarusian women abroad

The political events of 2020 in Belarus have fundamentally changed the dynamics of Belarusian emigration. Although the Belarusian exodus has not yet ceased, the Russian war in Ukraine has resulted in a second great wave. For many, it was the last straw, a powerful trigger, the point of no return.

May 31, 2022 - Volha Kavalskaya


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