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Tag: Belarus 2020 presidential election

Belarusians have created a new sense of self-identity

An Interview with Anaïs Marin, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus (OHCHR). Interviewer: Anastasiia Starchenko.

September 14, 2020 - Anaïs Marin Anastasia Starchenko

A terrible nightmare or useful conjuncture: what the Belarusian August means for the Kremlin

In addition to obsolete catchwords such as ‘the last dictatorship in Europe’ or ‘the reserve of the USSR,’ Belarus is often referred to as a mirror image of Russia. Against the backdrop of Lukashenka’s potential ousting, how does the Russian political elite make sense out of the August events?

September 8, 2020 - Filip Rudnik

The election that changed Belarus

The August 9th presidential election has become a critical event for both the Belarusian society and the ruling elite. The election saw the breakdown of traditional divides between the government and a decades-old political opposition. New players have presented themselves as an alternative to the existing system and have shown themselves to be capable of amassing an unprecedented level of public support.

On August 9th, a consequential presidential election took place in Belarus. A few months prior, there was no indication that this year's campaign would be radically different from any previous one. Everyone had assumed that the regime would simply register a few opposition candidates with no chance. After a typically uneventful campaign, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka would then claim another "elegant victory". Perhaps a few protests were expected, alongside expressions of “deep concern” from the European Union and the United States. Belarusian political life would soon return to “normal” following the announcement of the results.

September 7, 2020 - Maxim Rust

Belarus and Ukraine are both similar and different

Exploring the similarities and differences between the post-Soviet paths of Belarus and Ukraine.

September 4, 2020 - Taras Kuzio

Lithuania’s campaign to help Belarus’s protesters offers more than just words

Lithuania has shown solidarity with Belarus through advocacy, hosting Tsikhanouskaya and many other initiatives by their civil society. This has also been noticed at the Kremlin.

September 3, 2020 - Olga Irisova

What new election should the Belarusian society demand?

The recent fraudulent presidential election in Belarus has triggered continuous mass protests throughout the country. The violent crackdown of the protests resulted in substantial international condemnation of the activities that Lukashenka's regime undertook. Among those calling for dialogue, there are voices in favour of a new free and fair presidential election with international observers.

August 31, 2020 - Kiryl Kascian

Belarus is not Ukraine: a radically different game for the EU

The similarities between the situation in Belarus today and Ukraine in 2014 are evident. The differences, however, are so significant they should prevent us from making easy comparisons.

August 24, 2020 - German Carboni

Lukashenka’s disdain for women was his big mistake

Women have played a central role since the very beginning of the protests in Belarus.

August 20, 2020 - Joanna Hosa

We believe! We can! We will win! A week that changed Belarus

Lukashenka is running out of options as the mass protest of Belarusian society continues with no sign of weakening.

August 18, 2020 - Maxim Rust

Belarus: Why this time is (not) different

During his 26 year long rule, Lukashenka has centralised the power structure around himself. This could be why there has been little incentive from the elites in Belarus to remove him so far.

August 17, 2020 - Alexander Lanoszka

Belarusian activist: independence from Soviets ‘never became a holiday’

Kiryl Kryvicki, a student at Vytautas Magnus University and an active member of the Belarusian community in Vilnius, talks to LRT English about why the political opposition in Belarus does not celebrate the independence day on July 3.

August 14, 2020 - Ieva Žvinakytė Kiryl Kryvicki

Peaceful protests met with violence in Belarus

Authorities claim landslide victory for President Lukashenka in an election that was neither free nor fair.

August 10, 2020 - Daniel Gleichgewicht


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