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Tag: Austria

Austria’s drift toward isolation: Kickl’s Russia ties and the risk of following Hungary’s lead in the war

Last year’s parliamentary elections in Austria led to the first-ever victory of the far-right Freedom Party. As its leader Herbert Kickl looks set to become chancellor, the party’s extensive ties to Russia are more relevant than ever.

February 6, 2025 - Viktoria Rybicki

A central and eastern EU elections summary

While the results of the EU parliamentary elections in Central and Eastern Europe did not lead to political upheaval as seen in France, it is becoming clear that the far-right representation in Strasbourg will increase from this part of Europe.

June 11, 2024 - Ottilie Tabberer

Through Lendvai’s eyes. A unique perspective on Austrian politics

A review of Austria Behind the Mask. Politics of a Nation since 1945. By: Paul Lendvai. Publisher: Hurst, London, 2023.

February 7, 2024 - JP O'Malley

A regional player?

Following the elections in April 2022, the new Slovenian government has displayed ambitions to make the country an active regional player and an intermediary between the Western Balkan states and Central Europe. However, the geopolitics of the wider region, including Russia’s war in Ukraine, may force it to face some uncomfortable trends.

In the Balkans July and August are always the peak tourist season, with flocks of North European vacationers coming here to enjoy the beauty of the Adriatic coast and the warm Mediterranean sun. Traditionally, their preferred destination is Croatia, with its stunning Dalmatian beaches, beautiful Istria, numerous islands and national parks. Neighbouring from the north Slovenia is less popular. It is more often used as a transit country for travellers who are en route to Croatia.

September 11, 2023 - Nikodem Szczygłowski

Recipe for disaster: preparations for the First World War on the eastern side of Europe

Much is known about the infamous alliance system that led to the First World War. Ultimately dragging in all of Europe’s military powers, these agreements would lead to great battles typically associated with the Western Front. Despite this, the Eastern Front would prove to be equally bloody and conspiratorial, with the lands of modern Poland playing a central role.

Our imagination of past times is often influenced by cinema. This is probably the case as all topics we read about are preceded by cinematic imagination, which rules our thoughts and provides us with key visions of past events. This is especially true regarding the iconic topics of our European history, one of which is the formative event of the 20th century: The Great War of 1914-18.

April 28, 2023 - Andrzej Zaręba

COVID-19 is changing our lives, but not the old masters

An interview with Prof. Dr. Klaus Albrecht Schröder, the long serving director of the Albertina Museum in Vienna. Interviewers: Bartosz Panek and Jarosław Kociszewski.

July 19, 2021 - Bartosz Panek Jarosław Kociszewski Klaus Albrecht Schröder

A red-blue wave (in Austria)?

The Austrian state of Burgenland’s recent experience of a Social Democrat-Nationalist coalition, shows that such an arrangement may once again become a fixture in the country’s politics.

April 7, 2021 - Stefano Arroque

Salzburg’s elections closes a victorious electoral year for Sebastian Kurz

The Austrian right is cementing its position at the local level after last years success in the country's legislative elections. What can be understood from this years regional vote in four Austrian States?

April 27, 2018 - Stefano Arroque

The Austrian quagmire

Austria stands at a crossroads. With the second round of the presidential election annulled, after the Supreme Court ruled that the Green Party leader Alexander van der Bellen’s narrow victory over the staunchly nationalist Norbert Hofer might have been due to voting irregularities, the country is set for a rerun in December. The vote may result in this European state having a far-right leader for the first time since the Second World War. Given the rise of populist movements all over Europe which profit from the unstable economic situation and a fresh rise in xenophobic sentiment due to the refugee crisis, it seems that Austrian politics have entered uncharted territory.

November 7, 2016 - Stefano Arroque


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