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Tag: 2019 Ukraine parliamentary elections

Foreign interference in Ukraine’s politics during the 2019 elections: The case of the Kharkiv region

Russian interference during the Ukrainian elections in 2019 did not only manifest itself through political support for pro-Russian parties and candidates from Kharkiv. Disinformation, acts of sabotage and bomb threats were also part of the strategy in the region.

February 12, 2020 - 'Harry Nedelcu Dmytro Panchuk Yuliya Bidenko

Foreign interference in Ukrainian politics during the 2019 elections: The case of the Odesa region

Over the past five years, the influence of the Kremlin in Odesa has shifted from sponsoring open calls for separatism to more subtle forms of interference.

December 10, 2019 - 'Harry Nedelcu Dmytro Panchuk Yevhen Popov

Ten reflections on Ukraine’s parliamentary vote

The snap parliamentary elections were a great success for President Zelenskyy and his party. However there is more to this election than meets the eye.

July 30, 2019 - Kostiantyn Fedorenko

The new Ukrainian parliament at first glance

What will it look like?

July 24, 2019 - Valerii Pekar

Voting advice applications in pre-electoral Ukraine

PROвибір and other electronic instruments are helping Ukrainians to distinguish parties according to their political, socio-economic and cultural agendas

July 19, 2019 - Andreas Umland

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk’s prospects and challenges ahead of the parliamentary elections in Ukraine

The renowned Ukrainian musician and activist Svyatoslav Vakarchuk disappointed many by not involving himself more in the presidential election. It remains to be seen if he will have an impact on the next elections.

May 16, 2019 - Ruslan Kermach


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