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Issue 5/2024: Will democracy survive?


While the state of democracy has been debated for years, 2024 may prove decisive for its future. This issue of New Eastern Europe examines whether democracy can withstand its current challenges.

Table of Contents

 Will democracy survive?

 Fighting global authoritarianism An interview with Samuel Chu

Contemporary hybrid regimes Leonardo Morlino

Foreign agent laws in the authoritarian playbook Iskra Kirova

The metamorphosis of Soviet dictatorships Tatevik Hovhannisyan

How Russia exploits right-wing organizations and polarizes societies An interview with Kacper Rękawek

Are young voters a threat to democracy? Giorgi Beroshvili

How Viktor Orbán is going global Dominik Héjj

The French far right and Putin’s Russia. A recent and surprising love affair Cyrille Bret

Essays and analysis 

What’s wrong with Telegram? Maksym Popovych

The shift to cyber power Tatia Mosidze

Economic frontlines. Bracing for a possible Trump return Cassia Scott- Jones

Teachers, de-Ukrainianization and agitprop in Ukraine’s occupied territory Michael Gentile and Eugenia Kuznetsova

Pivotal elections. Georgia goes all in Nino Lezhava

EU referendum in Moldova. An easy target for Kremlin propagandists? Mihail Nesteriuc

Between pro-Russian rhetoric and pragmatic cooperation with Ukraine Jakub Łoginow 

Russian aggression echoes Serbian aims regarding Kosovo Dorajet Imeri

A crisis for which nobody is prepared Stefan Mandic

Art, culture and society

The Lithuanian Song Festival. 100 years of tradition Ottilie Tabberer

A legend of the Soviet underground rock scene continues to play Elżbieta Żak


A bottom-up approach to the history of the region An interview with Jacob Mikanowski

Stories and ideas

What happened to Belarus’s once-thriving tech-industry? Kseniya Tarasevich

NATO at 75. Insights from frontline states 

NATO beyond 75. Strategic evolution amid global uncertainty Wojciech Michnik

The evolution of the Alliance Jean-Yves Leconte

Why Baltic security matters Andris Banka

Tug of war. The NATO summit and (not so) modest gains in Washington Beata Górka-Winter

The impact of NATO membership on national security A 25-year retrospective Nele Loorents

Finland in NATO. From Finlandization to active integration Eoin Micheál Mcnamara

Collective security and national sovereignty. Hungary’s 25 years in NATO Péter Stepper


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