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Issue 1/2017: The art of revolution

New Eastern Europe Issue 1/2017: The art of revolution


New Eastern Europe Issue 1/2017: The art of revolution



Three Revolutions. A research project
Georges Mink, Paweł Kowal

Once a protester, always a protester
Kateryna Pryshchepa

We were acting as neighbours, as friends of Ukraine
Interview with Valdas Adamkus

New tools of the revolution
Roman Romanyuk

Beyond Maidan Nezalezhnosti
Nataliya Zubar, Vitalii Ovcharenko

High stakes in Ukraine. From revolution to reform
Kostiantyn Fedorenko

Three myths of Ukraine’s revolutions
Nataliia Pohorila

What makes a revolution (or not)
Diāna Potjomkina and Ilvija Bruģe

Whatever happened to “Russia without Putin”?
Sean Guillory

Talkin’ bout a revolution
Małgorzata Nocuń

Kyrgyzstan: a revolutionary drama
Christopher Schwartz

Putin pushing the envelope
Anton Barbashin

Consequences of Putin’s disinformation war in Europe
David Matsaberidze

Making the unreal real
Wojciech Siegeń

Combative pasts. The politics of history in post-communist Europe
George Soroka

Laying the groundwork for reconciliation
Georges Mink


The shadow over Hungary’s history
An interview with Paul Lendvai

Shevardnadze could listen, but he did not hear
An interview with Nino Burjanadze


The black island of the Arctic
Daniel Wańczyk

Familiar strangers
Maxim Edwards


Rock of ages
Jonathan Bousfield

His Highness’s life. Parallel to reality
Andrzej Zaręba


Is it time to rebrand Eastern Europe?
A debate with Rebecca Harms, Balázs Jarábik, Cornelius Ochmann and Anastasia Sergeeva.


A film which divides Poles and Ukrainians
Kaja Puto

The spectre of neoliberalism
János Széky

A church for the state or churches for the people?
Przemysław Pazik

An unexpected focus on the South
Andriy Lyubka


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