Из советского лагеря в азербайджанскую тюрьму (From the Soviet camp to the Azerbaijani prison)
By Leyla and Arif Yunus
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 492
Publisher: Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe in Wrocław
Price: 25 EUR (includes tax & shipping)
This book discusses the situation with Azerbaijan dissidents and human rights defenders as well as the situation in Azerbaijan in the post-Soviet times. Authors of the book Leyla and Arif Yanus began their human rights activities in Azerbaijan during the Soviet times and were constantly monitored by the regime. In 2014 and 2015 Leyla and Arif Junus were imprisoned and tortured. Thanks to international pressure, the Azerbaijani authorities released them from prison. They currently reside in the Netherlands.