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Author: Zoriana Varenia

“Russian writers should put down their pens and sell pizza”

An interview with Serhiy Zhadan, a Ukrainian writer and singer. Interviewer: Zoriana Varenia

October 6, 2022 - Serhiy Zhadan Zoriana Varenia

Half a year of war in Ukraine: the Russians could capture Mariupol only by destroying it

Interview with Elizar Grankov, a doctor who was at a hospital in Mariupol. Interviewer: Zoriana Varenia.

September 5, 2022 - Elizar Grankov Zoriana Varenia

My soul is in Kyiv

I left behind the city I was born in, where I learnt to ride a bike and ice skate, where I finished school and where I had my first kiss. There, I also left my ambitions, my plans and a part of my soul.

I did not believe that this war would take place up until the very last moment. All arguments, expert opinions and pure logic had convinced me that it would not reach Kyiv. Yet, it did. It destroyed my life on February 24th at five o’clock in the morning. The worst part was the first phone call I received about half an hour later. It was my dad, who only said, “Pack up your stuff”. This meant that everything that was written in the media was real. It was not a dream, not a fantasy but my life here and now. This was my life, with Russian rockets that were destroying not only the nearby airport but also my future.

August 25, 2022 - Zoriana Varenia


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