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Author: Yuliya Shtaltovna

What the world could learn from Ukraine

Ukrainians recently marked 1000 days at full-scale war defending their country against Russian invasion. In that time, the nation has developed many positive habits that are improving society as a whole. Such lessons could prove to be relevant for others around the world.

November 26, 2024 - Valerii Pekar Yuliya Shtaltovna

Why pacifism kills

In spite of Ukraine’s continued fight against Russian aggression, there are still many voices calling for peace at any cost. While such proposals may appear attractive on the surface, they ultimately benefit Moscow’s clear desire for further violence and terror on its own terms.

May 31, 2024 - Liliya Luts Valerii Pekar Yaroslav Yakovenko Yuliya Shtaltovna

The blind spot of the West

The Russian invasion of Ukraine involves more than fighting on the front line. If we are to truly break free from the norms that brought about this conflict, we must interrogate long-established western perceptions concerning Russia’s reality.

June 20, 2023 - Valerii Pekar Yuliya Shtaltovna

Is it Putin who is waging “Putin’s war”?

The current Russo-Ukrainian War is frequently called "Putin's war" by western media. Is this correct? Who is actually waging this war on the ground and from the air and who apart from Putin should share the responsibility for war crimes?

April 22, 2022 - Valerii Pekar Yuliya Shtaltovna


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