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Author: Yegor Vasylyev

Ukraine’s Geopolitical Twists: A dangerous game

On November 21st, a week before the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius, the Ukrainian government announced its decision to halt preparations for the signing of the association agreement and the deep and comprehensive free trade agreement with the EU.  Announced “in the interests of the national security”, it also set forth a proposal for a […]

November 22, 2013 - Yegor Vasylyev

The Eastern Partnership: Which way from post-Soviet?

The countries in both Russia and the European Union's neighbourhood are commonly known as the post-Soviet states. However, as their Soviet past becomes more distant, their future horizons remain unclear.

October 6, 2013 - Yegor Vasylyev

The Wider Picture of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement

All bets are on for the results of the 28-29th November Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius. “Now or never”, “Last chance”, “Just let’s sign it”; EU-players divided into camps thrust forward their arguments in Brussels.

August 6, 2013 - Yegor Vasylyev

Political Protests in Ukraine: Real again

On May 18th, the Day of Europe in Ukraine, tens of thousands marched in Kyiv as the wave of political protests reached its highest point. “Rise, Ukraine!” the rallies organised by the political opposition of Batkivshchyna, UDAR and Svoboda, had splashed across the country since early March. Ukrainian commentators, used to battering the opposition’s inefficiency, by […]

May 23, 2013 - Yegor Vasylyev

It is April 26th

What would you say is characteristic of Ukraine? At the beginning of the 2000s, an ordinary European, even if aware that Ukraine was not Russia, would inevitably answer with just one word – Chernobyl. April 26th 1986 was a hot day in Kyiv. Tourist books called it the greenest city in Europe at that time. […]

April 26, 2013 - Yegor Vasylyev

The Great Snow of Kyiv: Stories in black and white

It had all started with a joke. “Some snow yet. Hopefully, there will be less in the summer,” said a friend of mine on March 16th, looking at a snow cloud over Kyiv on a web forecast. “Well, it happens,” I thought, knowing there had been something in the media about a snow storm in […]

April 2, 2013 - Yegor Vasylyev

The Great Snow of Kyiv: Stories in black and white

It had all started with a joke. “Some snow yet. Hopefully, there will be less in the summer,” said a friend of mine on March 16th, looking at a snow cloud over Kyiv on a web forecast. “Well, it happens,” I thought, knowing there had been something in the media about a snow storm in […]

April 2, 2013 - Yegor Vasylyev

The Broth and its Many Cooks: Ukraine in-between elections

The country on the border of West and East, mired in the habits of the previous epoch, is approaching a new historic waterline, and all of its tensions and challenges are becoming more acute. Pepper from the Opposition The winter retreats and Kyiv roads, another failed object of EURO 2012's initial frenzy, well remind one […]

March 10, 2013 - Yegor Vasylyev

Ukraine 2013: The same old games?

Following tense parliamentary elections, the change of government and a pre-recession economic landscape, will Ukraine’s 2013 be mired in the same old post-Soviet games in politics and governance? The games of politics and European integration Western politics is widely believed to be about the three “I”s – Ideas, Interests and Institutions. In Ukraine, however, it […]

January 15, 2013 - Yegor Vasylyev

Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections: Half-way between false and true

As the initial results of the Ukrainian parliamentary elections held on Sunday emerge, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's party was on course to secure a parliamentary majority, although will face an opposition boosted by Svoboda and Vitaly Klitschko's UDAR. Yegov Vasylyev,an analyst specialising in politics and transition of post-Soviet states, discusses the impact of the election. […]

October 29, 2012 - Yegor Vasylyev

Ukraine: Last Elections in a Divided Country?

Ukraine gained independence in 1991 and political scientist Andrew Wilson has famously called the Ukrainians “an unexpected nation”.

September 25, 2012 - Yegor Vasylyev


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