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Author: Volodymyr Valkov

From stopping the invasion to winning the war

Media outlets across the world continue to discuss the chance that the war in Ukraine may soon be ended with a peace treaty. Despite this, the security of Ukraine and Europe as a whole can only be guaranteed if Kyiv is allowed to secure a decisive victory with help from its allies.

April 26, 2022 - Volodymyr Valkov

Ukraine proved it can halt Putin. Now it needs Europe

Putin will not stop in Ukraine. The reason for this is quite simple. He is waging a war to restore the Russian empire.

March 5, 2022 - Volodymyr Valkov

A test on the abandonment of Ukraine

Within just a few months, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has proved itself to be an outrageous campaign of Russian propaganda as well as a blatant disregard for human life and dignity. Since March 2014, Ukraine has withstood an unbelievable informational and military aggression from the Russian Federation illustrated by the annexation of Crimea, the spread of terrorism in eastern Ukraine, the tragic downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 with almost 300 people on board, an unauthorised “humanitarian” convoy with undisclosed cargo, the parading of captured Ukrainian soldiers by Russian-backed separatists and a massive increase in the Russian supply of advanced weaponry to pro-Moscow mercenaries in Ukraine.

September 5, 2014 - Volodymyr Valkov

Expansionism: The Core of Russia’s Foreign Policy

Vladimir Putin's Russia is becoming increasingly expansionist on the international arena. The annexation of Crimea, the naming of Ukraine's eastern regions as Novorossiya (New Russia) using tsarist terminology, revival of Soviet symbolism and mythology, the sponsorship of terrorism and separatism in Ukraine, the organisation of frozen conflicts in Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, coercive creation of the Eurasian Union, aggressive use of Gazprom as a political tool, and the formulation of a right to protect Russian speakers abroad – it is not hard to find examples of Russia's aggressive expansionism.

August 12, 2014 - Volodymyr Valkov


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