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Author: Visar Xhambazi

Kosovo-Serbia dialogue: a perpetual state of stagnation

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine stressed the importance of engaging the Western Balkans more closely. The strategy behind the West’s renewed interest was twofold: bring Kosovo and Serbia closer to a deal to normalise relations and simultaneously move Serbia away from the Russian orbit. Despite initial enthusiasm in early 2023, relations quickly soured once again. What will it take to overcome this impasse?

The Kosovo-Serbia dialogue which has been facilitated by the European Union since 2011 has faced challenges in normalising relations between the two countries. However, Russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine injected a sense of urgency and provided a renewed impetus to address the dialogue. This led to a new diplomatic offensive that culminated in the finalisation of the second Brussels Agreement and its Implementation Annex in February and March 2023, respectively.

September 11, 2023 - Visar Xhambazi

The political consequences of NATO membership for Montenegro

Montenegro's NATO membership has opened new avenues of military cooperation and greater political influence. A politically divided Montenegro continues to see NATO as a pillar to its stability.

June 28, 2021 - Visar Xhambazi

Montenegro, the first victim of China’s debt-trap diplomacy

As Montenegro struggles to stay afloat financially having to repay a large Chinese loan, the EU refuses to help Montenegro, providing an excellent opportunity for China to get more than a foothold in the country.

May 7, 2021 - Visar Xhambazi

Kosovo-Serbia Summit at the White House: What was it all about?

The so-called "economic normalisation deal" between Kosovo and Serbia was exploited by President Trump to further his foreign policy objectives in the Middle East.

September 14, 2020 - Visar Xhambazi

Unity within Montenegro’s Albanian community would benefit the whole country

As in the previous elections, Albanian parties in Montenegro have failed to form a joint coalition.

August 6, 2020 - Visar Xhambazi

Richard Grenell: Dictating the pulse of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue

During his visits to Pristina and Belgrade, US Special Envoy Richard Grenell has been clear on his demands for both Kosovo and Serbia with the dialogue between them stuck in a deadlock for over a year.

April 15, 2020 - Visar Xhambazi

The European Union’s post office is broken: Delivery currently not available in the Western Balkans

2019 was a year to forget for the Western Balkan countries. As we enter 2020, old problems prevail. The region suffers from many socio-economic and political problems. It has witnessed some relative progress overall, but this progress was not rewarded by the European Union, leaving the region in a hopeless situation.

February 13, 2020 - Visar Xhambazi

The intervention in Kosovo revisited. Twelve lessons for the future

The 20th anniversary of the NATO campaign in Kosovo, which led to the beginning of a long process of state-building, was recently commemorated. Yet it is worth recalling what led to the campaign and understanding the lessons of its aftermath which are very much relevant today.
In 1999, NATO launched an 11-week air-campaign to halt the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Kosovo. The intervention in Kosovo is arguably one of the most important events in contemporary history. It was the first time NATO operated outside its territory and the first sustained use of force since its establishment in 1949. Furthermore, it was the first time that force was used to enforce UN Security Council resolutions for the purpose of halting crimes against humanity.

January 28, 2020 - Visar Xhambazi

A blueprint solution for Kosovo: What is at stake?

Changing national borders can be a complicated and contentious process. The partition or exchange of territories between Kosovo and Serbia would re-establish ethnic boundaries and increase the likelihood of ethnic violence.

January 28, 2019 - Visar Xhambazi

Erdogan views Kosovo as a neo-Ottoman Vassal State

The extent of Turkey's influence in Kosovo reached a new milestone with the swift extradition of its citizens.

May 10, 2018 - Visar Xhambazi

The West and the post-Yugoslav political architecture

The Balkans need the EU and vice versa, because the map of Europe is not complete without the region. The sluggish progress it had made is at risk. The best and only alternative for the Western Balkans is cooperation among the neighboring states while maintaining a continuous pathway towards EU membership.

November 22, 2017 - Visar Xhambazi


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