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Author: Tony Rinna

What Drives Canada’s Deployment to Eastern Europe?

Often overlooked due to its relatively small political stature compared with the European Union and the United States, Canada has been playing an active role in the Euro-Atlantic community’s response toward Russia’s activities in Ukraine. In addition to expelling a Russian diplomat and promising 220 million dollars in aid to Ukraine, Canada has also offered military deployments to the region. 

May 12, 2014 - Tony Rinna

The Prospects of Georgia’s NATO Membership

In light of the Crimean crisis, NATO has begun to consider endowing the Republic of Georgia with a Membership Action Plan, or MAP, by September of this year. On the one hand, this would in many ways be a continuation of NATO’s south-eastern expansion which culminated in Albanian and Croatian membership as well as an invitation for Bosnia and Herzegovina to join. Unlike its expansion into the Balkans, however, NATO’s extension into the South Caucasus will once again bring the organization directly to Russia’s borders, to a region that is nothing less than a powder keg. If NATO is going to extend a hand of friendship to Georgia, it needs to do so cautiously and had better be prepared to back its overtures up with actions that may include military confrontation with Russia. 

April 2, 2014 - Tony Rinna

Nuclear Security Implications for the Ukraine Crisis

The primary focus on the current, tense military situation in Crimea has been on the deployment of conventional Russian forces to the region and the mobilisation of the Ukrainian uniformed services in reaction to this. At this point, this is the most visible and tangible facet of the current security crisis. A dangerous and little-discussed aspect of the current standoff, however, is the spectre of nuclear weapons in the current imbroglio.

March 11, 2014 - Tony Rinna

Moldova, the EU and the Gagauzia Issue

As the grand geopolitical struggle for Eastern Europe continues, greater attention will likely be drawn to Moldova, which is set to become the next major battleground in the saga. The omen for this has been seen in a most unlikely place: the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia (known locally as Gagauz Yeri).

February 14, 2014 - Tony Rinna

Russia, Serbia and the New Balkan Geopolitics

A great deal of discussion regarding current European geopolitics between Russia and the West has centred on recent events in Ukraine, with warnings and forecasts about Georgia and Moldova as well. In the strategically critical Balkan peninsula, however, Russia is quietly but rapidly making headway in shoring up ties with a major regional power – Serbia.

January 3, 2014 - Tony Rinna

Georgia’s Passport Geopolitics

As one of his final acts before leaving office, outgoing Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili has announced an initiative that will provide expedited Georgian citizenship to adult resident foreigners in Georgia who want it.

November 12, 2013 - Tony Rinna

Georgia’s Passport Geopolitics

As one of his final acts before leaving office, outgoing Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili has announced an initiative that will provide expedited Georgian citizenship to adult resident foreigners in Georgia who want it.

November 12, 2013 - Tony Rinna

Belarus and Russia’s Strategic Projection into Eastern Europe

The Republic of Belarus is currently the only state in east-central Europe which is a member of the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), allowing the organisation to border three members of the European Union and NATO.

October 23, 2013 - Tony Rinna


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