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Author: Tomasz Kułakowski

Pussy Riot Hearings – Photo-report from the court

Polish journalist Tomasz Kułakowski sent to New Eastern Europe the following photo-report from the court hearings for the Pussy Riot punk group. This is in addition to a previous report he sent us earlier this July.

July 20, 2012 - Tomasz Kułakowski

Pussy Riot Hearings Draw Supporters and Critics

On July 4th 2012, court proceedings of the female punk band Pussy Riot took place at the Tagansky court in Moscow. Three young women were being charged with “hooliganism” for their performance inside the Church of Christ the Saviour on February 21st.

July 5, 2012 - Tomasz Kułakowski

Pussy Riot Hearings Draw Supporters and Critics

On July 4th 2012, court proceedings of the female punk band Pussy Riot took place at the Tagansky court in Moscow. Three young women were being charged with “hooliganism” for their performance inside the Church of Christ the Saviour on February 21st.

July 5, 2012 - Tomasz Kułakowski

Language and Identity in Ukraine

Although speaking English is accepted in Dnipropetrovsk, speaking Ukrainian rather than Russian is not. Lviv, however, is a mecca for Ukrainian speakers and a place in which Ukraine's official language is cultivated and spoken.

June 18, 2012 - Tomasz Kułakowski

Putin’s Victory: The day after

Our journalist Tomasz Kułakowski provides New Eastern Europe with a photoreport from the protests taking place on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow.

March 5, 2012 - Tomasz Kułakowski

Russian Presidential Election in Photos

New Eastern Europe Contributor and Polish Journalist Tomasz Kułakowski is on the scene in Moscow reporting on the elections. You can follow him on Twitter: @TKulakowski. He has shared some of his pictures with us below (More to follow): Submitting a completed ballot A Putin election billboard  Going to the polls Who to vote for? After […]

March 4, 2012 - Tomasz Kułakowski

Tymoshenko will be Free

A Kyiv court has sentenced former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko to seven years in prison and barred her from occupying government posts for three years. In addition, the leader of the opposition will have to repay $190 million apparently lost by the state gas company Naftogaz after signing an agreement with Gazprom. “I disagree with […]

October 11, 2011 - Tomasz Kułakowski


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