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Author: Stepan Grigoryan

What is happening on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border?

The international community quickly called on both parties to exercise restraint, in a conflict that has potential to spin out of control.

July 16, 2020 - Stepan Grigoryan

EU and Armenia on the facilitation of the issuance of visas

A new monitoring report sheds light on the developments on a crucial policy issue in EU-Armenian relations.

July 27, 2018 - Nikolay Israyelyan Stepan Grigoryan

When Russia considers you undesirable

On August 30th 2016 I had quite an unusual experience and I think it is high time for me to finally analyse what has happened and draw the appropriate conclusions. On that day the Russian authorities refused me entry into their country. The border guards at Sheremetyevo, Moscow’s international airport, did not allow me to leave the airport stating that I am not permitted to enter Russia until 2030. My flight, however, was a transit one and late that night I was supposed to be on my way home to Yerevan. Since I had 14 hours to spare before my flight, I was planning to visit one of Moscow's cemeteries, where in October 2014 my father Gevork Grigoryan was buried.

October 5, 2016 - Stepan Grigoryan


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