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Author: Smith Freeman

Domestic violence in Russia: Interview with Yulia Gorbunova

Smith Freeman and Olivia Capozzalo of the She’s In Russia podcast interviewed Yulia Gorbunova about the latest Human Rights Watch report.

February 13, 2019 - Olivia Capozzalo Smith Freeman

How propaganda works, an interview with Tamara Eidelman

Interview by She’s In Russia, co-hosted by Olivia Capozzalo and Smith Freeman.

December 11, 2018 - Olivia Capozzalo Smith Freeman

Is Telegram actually blocked in Russia?

She’s In Russia goes deeper into the conflict between Roskomnadzor and the popular application Telegram in their newest episode.

August 8, 2018 - Smith Freeman

Interview with Katerina Novikova, Head of Press at the Bolshoi Theatre

Interview conducted by Olivia Capozzalo and Smith Freeman of the She’s In Russia podcast.

July 4, 2018 - Olivia Capozzalo Smith Freeman

She’s In Russia

On this podcast, two best friends - Olivia Capozzalo in St. Petersburg and Smith Freeman in Brooklyn, call each other and talk about Russian life and culture in an attempt to push back against the caricature and sensationalism that dominate the current discussion in mainstream politics and media. Tune in for an interesting conversation about Alexei Navalny and the Russian left with Sean Guillory.

May 24, 2018 - Olivia Capozzalo Smith Freeman


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