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Author: Rahim Rahimov

The Turkish opposition’s Azerbaijan policy: is a bipartisan consensus possible?

Turkey’s close relationship with its neighbour Azerbaijan is a well-known part of regional politics. However, these links remain centred on the relationship between the leaders of both nations. A clear consensus on Baku therefore still does not exist in domestic Turkish politics.

January 4, 2024 - Rahim Rahimov

Russia’s disruptive narrative on Bolshevik revolution

While Putin’s Russia is proud of the big achievements of the Soviet era and views the collapse of the USSR as “the biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century”, it has failed to form a clear view of its past, including the Bolshevik Revolution. As long as that is the case, the country will hardly build a vision for the future.

November 30, 2017 - Rahim Rahimov

Russia’s millennials challenge the Kremlin

Kremlin opponent Alexei Navalny announced another nation-wide anti-corruption protest rally for June 12th 2017. The timing is tricky and designed to box the authorities into a corner. June 12th is widely celebrated as Russia Day with public events and ceremonies throughout the country. On the one hand, it would be more than awkward for the Russian authorities to prevent unsanctioned anti-corruption rallies amidst the Russia Day celebrations. And on the other hand, it would create a possibility for Navalny to convert the events into a massive anti-corruption rally. Therefore, June 12th will be a major defining point in the further behaviour of the Kremlin.

May 4, 2017 - Rahim Rahimov

Israel, Iran and the US interest in South Caucasus

Donald Trump’s hostile posture against the Iran nuclear deal and Netanyahu’s sympathy for Trump are being watched with anxiety in Tehran. Yet Israel’s increasing presence in Azerbaijan is another source of alarm for Iran and Armenia, who are currently seeking closer relations. So, what is the American perspective on Israeli and Iranian presence in Armenia and Azerbaijan respectively; countries which are viewed by Russia as within its own sphere of influence?

February 6, 2017 - Rahim Rahimov


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