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Author: Olena Pavlova

A Ukrainian miracle

A review of Гніздо горлиці (The Nest of the Turtledove). A film directed by Taras Tkachenko, Ukraine, 2016.

“Welcome to Ukraine,” says a border guard with a smile on his face and a bribe in his hand. This is one of the introductory scenes of the film The Nest of the Turtledove. The main character, Daryna, is returning home, pregnant, after working for two years in Italy. She leaves behind tireless work and a relationship with her boss and his constantly unsatisfied mother. At home she is greeted by a parade of empty vodka bottles, an inconsiderate husband and a reckless teenage daughter. Directed by Taras Tkachenko, the film was released in November 2016 in Ukraine and was awarded as the best Ukrainian film at the Odesa Film Festival, already the summer before its premiere.

May 5, 2017 - Olena Pavlova

A Ukrainian miracle

A review of Гніздо горлиці (The Nest of the Turtledove). A film directed by Taras Tkachenko, Ukraine, 2016.

“Welcome to Ukraine,” says a border guard with a smile on his face and a bribe in his hand. This is one of the introductory scenes of the film The Nest of the Turtledove. The main character, Daryna, is returning home, pregnant, after working for two years in Italy. She leaves behind tireless work and a relationship with her boss and his constantly unsatisfied mother. At home she is greeted by a parade of empty vodka bottles, an inconsiderate husband and a reckless teenage daughter. Directed by Taras Tkachenko, the film was released in November 2016 in Ukraine and was awarded as the best Ukrainian film at the Odesa Film Festival, already the summer before its premiere.

May 5, 2017 - Olena Pavlova


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