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Author: Oleksii Polegkyi

Russia’s new “religion”. The cult of the “Great Victory”

The celebrations of Victory Day in Russia each year are increasingly pompous and spectacular. Over the last few years, the cult of the “Great Victory” has become a quasi-religion and the main narrative in uniting Russian society.

May 25, 2016 - Oleksii Polegkyi

For Your Freedom and for Ours

The events that took place on February 20th 2014 in Kyiv will be forever remembered as a moment when the price of liberty, democracy and human life itself were questioned. In fact, this moment marks the end of post-Soviet Ukraine, for now the history of a new Ukraine has begun. What it will be nobody knows, but certainly this country will not follow the Soviet type of post-colonial existence.

March 5, 2014 - Oleksii Polegkyi

When Choosing between Europe and Russia, Does Yanukovych Choose North Korea?

While Europe is discussing what to do with Ukraine and whether or not to impose sanctions, President Viktor Yanukovych has opted to enforce terror against his people. The regime of Viktor Yanukovych and the Party of Regions have ruined the Ukrainian state power and precluded a legal solution to Ukraine’s woes. On January 16th, the parliamentary majority, controlled by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, took ​​another step towards dictatorship.

January 23, 2014 - Oleksii Polegkyi


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