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Author: Nikolas Kozloff

Is Poland a rising power and what are the implications?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the growing influence of Poland in regional affairs. Indeed, some have even suggested that the country is quickly becoming a power in its own right. Various issues will decide whether or not such a prediction comes true.

July 4, 2022 - Nikolas Kozloff

The Russian invasion has united Poland and Ukraine, two countries with a fractious history

Poland has proven to be one of Ukraine’s most steadfast allies in recent years and especially since Russia’s invasion in February. Despite this, the two countries have not always been so close. Understandings of their shared history could now prove crucial to the future of this new alliance.

May 27, 2022 - Nikolas Kozloff

A tangled legacy: coming to terms with history in Uzhhorod

The Zakarpattia province of western Ukraine is home to various ethnic minorities including 150,000 Hungarians. With its complex past, how will the region fare as both Hungarian and Ukrainian right-wing groups ramp up their nationalist rhetoric?

February 26, 2019 - Nikolas Kozloff

Ukrainian election and thorny politics of language

In a crass move to help his re-election campaign, President Poroshenko is playing language politics which goes against the diverse reality and tolerant values of Ukraine after Maidan.

February 11, 2019 - Nikolas Kozloff

Ukraine’s prelude to Babyn Yar

Boris Maftsir has crafted a film which hardly shies away from historical controversy and nuance.

January 10, 2019 - Nikolas Kozloff


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