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Author: New Eastern Europe

Stay home. Stay safe. Read NEE

In an effort to help cope with the ongoing Coronavirus situation, New Eastern Europe has prepared a special page that will be updated regularly which includes recommended readings from the archives, latest commentaries and news and featured podcasts.

March 30, 2020 - New Eastern Europe

Coronavirus in the Eastern Partnership states (updates)

New Eastern Europe is providing an update on the situation with COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the Eastern Partnership states. Each have enacted certain policies aimed at minimising the spread of the infection. Below we give the current status of these policies as well as an updated number of reported cases by country.

March 16, 2020 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 1-2/2020: Bound to explode?

Now available - the latest issue of NEE looks at the region in 2020 and debates the relationship between Russia and the West.

January 28, 2020 - New Eastern Europe

Freedom and censorship in the post-truth era

A debate during the 34th Days of Contemporary Art in Białystok with Edwin Bendyk, Alex Freiheit, Father Wojciech Lemański, Tomasz Sikora, Joanna Wichowska and Serhiy Zhadan. Moderated by: Anna Łazar

January 27, 2020 - New Eastern Europe

Bridge between the Military University of Land Forces in Wrocław and Canada

November 2019 - After a 10 year absence, Polish forces are back in Lebanon with the Blue Helmets for the UNIFIL peacekeeping mission (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) to protect the local population and bring the stability to allow for a political solution to the 30 year struggle in the region.

November 22, 2019 - New Eastern Europe

New (old) faces. A true makeover or cosmetic change?

Issue 6 2019 of New Eastern Europe takes a look at the new faces coming on the scene in the region and asks to what extent these new faces represent real change? Is this part of a wider trend that indicates deeper social change or is it more of the same, with just an upgraded, modern look?

November 13, 2019 - New Eastern Europe

Poland’s 2019 parliamentary elections

PiS (Law and Justice) remains in power in Poland after winning the 2019 parliamentary elections.

October 15, 2019 - New Eastern Europe

From Weimar Republic to the outbreak of WWII

International historical seminar organised on 7 October 2019 in Wrocław, Poland.

October 6, 2019 - New Eastern Europe

Bridging global talents

As part of the “Bridging Global Talents Worldwide” initiative, doctoral students from leading institutions around the world are visiting Poland to share their expertise and discover what is being done in their field at the Cracow University of Technology (CUT).

September 22, 2019 - New Eastern Europe

The Black Sea Region. A geopolitical Trojan horse?

Issue 5/2019 now available! The Black Sea region is quickly becoming a geopolitical battleground which is gaining the interest of major powers, regional players and smaller countries - and the stakes are only getting higher.

August 26, 2019 - New Eastern Europe

Kraków in June – the city of poetry

The 8th edition of Czesław Miłosz Festival to take place in Kraków on from 6 to 9 June 2019.

May 30, 2019 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 3-4/2019: Eastern Partnership turns 10

This issue is dedicated to the 10 year anniversary of the European Union's Eastern Partnership as well as the 30 years since the 1989 revolutions in Central Europe.

May 2, 2019 - New Eastern Europe


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